
I hold a Ph.D. in Economics as well as a Ph.D. in Mathematics, with my research primarily focusing on examining restrictions and segmentation in market access.

In 2019, I successfully completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, working under the guidance of Bernard Cornet (PSE - U. Paris 1 and U. Kansas). My dissertation, titled “Group Formation and Financial Structures,” explored this particular area of study.

Prior to that, I earned my Ph.D. in Economics in 2015, under the supervision of Professor Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, with a dissertation titled “Trading Constraints and Incomplete markets: Information and Existence”

My educational journey began with a 5-year training in economics, where I obtained a degree in Commercial Engineering from the University of Chile. Subsequently, I pursued a master’s degree in the same field. Throughout my undergraduate and a significant portion of my post-graduate studies, my focus revolved around statistical methods. This led me to gain expertise in microeconometrics and engage in empirical topics until the commencement of my master’s thesis.

Academic Positions


  • Member of the board: SERNAC Fund for Consumer Unions

  • Bolsa Social Foundation: co-founder and President (2017-2022)

  • Reviewer

    • Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, RAIRO-OR, Financial Innovation, Estudios de Economía

    • FONDECYT, PUCV, ANID Ciencia Pública


A PDF version of my curriculum is available here.