

In preparation

  • Billette de Villemeur, Cea-Echenique, and Cuevas (2022)

  • Cea-Echenique and Marinovic (2020) (link)

General equilibrium and/or Incomplete markets

I have studied the restricted access to financial markets within a general equilibrium framework. Restrictions coming from endogenous (information) and exogenous (regulation) considerations. Recently, I am also interested in the stability of equilibria (given by the continuity of the equilibrium correspondence) for distributional economies (many agents and many goods).

  • Cea-Echenique and Fuentes (2024)

  • Cea-Echenique and Torres-Martínez (2018)

  • Cea-Echenique, Hervés-Beloso, and Torres-Martínez (2017)

  • Cea-Echenique and Torres-Martínez (2016)

Public goods under uncertainty

  • Billette de Villemeur, Cea-Echenique, and Cuevas (2024)

We’ve revisited a classic result from 1993, adding a new twist to the understanding of public goods provision under price uncertainty. We challenge the traditional view that a decrease in private contributions to public goods necessarily leads to reduced welfare. Our findings suggest that under certain conditions, more or less contributions can actually coincide with an improvement in consumer welfare, which has significant implications for public policy and the interpretation of citizen participation as an indicator of public good provision effectiveness. This insight not only refines theoretical foundations but also guides policymakers in crafting measures that accurately reflect the complex dynamics of economic contributions and welfare outcomes.

Equilibrium in Energy with Financial Markets

  • Amigo, Cea-Echenique, and Feijoo (2021)


  • Claro et al. (2023)

Protocol of intervention

Book chapters

  • Cea, S. and P. Amigo (2020): “Apunta+: Apunte colaborativo utilizando la herramienta Overleaf,” in Proyectos de mejoramiento, innovación e investigación de la docencia universitaria 2019, Varios Editores, ISBN 978-956-17-0892-1, Ed. Universitarias de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

  • Cea, S. and A. Marinovic (2012): “Capital social, Confianza y Educación,” in Fraternidad y educación, (Social Capital, Trust and Education) Rodrigo Mardones (Ed.), ISBN 978-950-586-297-9, Ed. Ciudad Nueva Argentina.


Amigo, Pía, Sebastián Cea-Echenique, and Felipe Feijoo. 2021. “A Two Stage Cap-and-Trade Model with Allowance Re-Trading and Capacity Investment: The Case of the Chilean NDC Targets.” Energy 224 (June): 120129.
Billette de Villemeur, Etienne, Sebastián Cea-Echenique, and Conrado Cuevas. 2022. “Revisiting the Impact of Uncertainty in the Private Provision of Public Goods.”
———. 2024. “Private Provision of Public Goods Under Price Uncertainty: A Comment.” Social Choice and Welfare, May.
Cea-Echenique, Sebastián, and Matías Fuentes. 2024. “On the Continuity of the Equilibrium Correspondence in Economies with an Infinite Dimensional Commodity Space.” Mathematical Social Sciences 129 (May): 61–69.
Cea-Echenique, Sebastián, Carlos Hervés-Beloso, and Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez. 2017. “Endogenous Differential Information.” Economic Theory 63 (1): 51–72.
Cea-Echenique, Sebastián, and Alejandra Marinovic. 2020. “Common Beliefs and Welfare.”
Cea-Echenique, Sebastián, and Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez. 2016. “Credit Segmentation in General Equilibrium.” Journal of Mathematical Economics 62 (January): 19–27.
———. 2018. “General Equilibrium with Endogenous Trading Constraints.” PLoS ONE 13 (9).
Claro, Susana, Macarena Santana, Tomás Ossandon, Sebastián Cea, José de Amesti, Daniela Santander, and Mauricio Huerta. 2023. “Intelligence Can Grow in All Dimensions: Findings from an Experiment in Latin America.” European Journal of Psychology of Education, June.